Students will receive points (up to 10) at the end of each lesson based on preparation/ practice in the following areas:
Technique assignment 0-2 points
Theory assignment(s) completed 0-2 points
Sight Reading/ Method/ Other Assignments 0-3 points
Performance Repertoire 0-2 points
Parent Signature 0-1 points
10 points possible per lesson
Students will be able to choose out of a prize basket whenever they receive 10 points in one lesson; and also at every 50 points received. We will have a store at the last group lesson of the year (May or June) where students can spend "music money" they have earned based on their points received over the year. The practice awards at the end of the year will also be based on the points earned.
You will be able to see the students’ points totals on each lesson sheet, so you can see which areas they might need to improve on. Please check your students’ lesson sheets weekly to see how they are doing and encourage them in the areas they are lacking. Students who have parent involvement in their practice are much more successful. Students will receive 1 point for a parent’s signature on their lesson sheet. This system will hopefully encourage students to be more mindful, deliberate and thorough in their practice instead of just watching the clock.